disaster abound [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 22
Santalune City
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
118 posts
Marguerite DOLLARS
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disaster abound [m]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2023 17:56:09 GMT
Marguerite Avatar
rough terrain wasn't mar's cup of tea. the environment was ugly and the paths were treacherous. she preferred the motion of the ocean to the tiny pebbles making their way into her shoes. "see that?" down the path, absol stood with a glowing horn and distressed body language, eyes scrunched shut as she processed the negativity and doom flooding her senses.

"the researchers were right. absols everywhere are struggling under the weight of the region's unrest. this thing would be so easy to catch right now." it wasn't the mission given to them, but still. they were supposed to calm the absol down. she frowned as the absol shook itself as if to clear the vibes it was receiving. "i think we should just let it freak out and sedate it afterwards." skrelp could poison it. mar didn't have any sleep powder with her, but the poison would slow it down just the same. she didn't have a fairy type to otherwise soothe it.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @trinitybeckman
trinity beckman
disaster abound [m]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 20:10:48 GMT
trinity beckman Avatar

Once the pair reached their vantage point, Trinity leaned down to remove one of her shoes. She leaned against the mountain wall behind her and tipped her shoe upside down and shook it around, trying to loose a pebble that had been tormenting her since the first ten minutes of this hike. The damned thing would rattle around, distracting Trinity while Mar proposed her idea. Why were all of her missions in the worst environments? The craggy wasteland around them was almost as bad as the ocean. At least the Rocket girl wasn’t getting seasick…

[break][break] “So your plan is to rile it up and then wear it out?” She asked as she leaned down to replace her shoe, looking at the pirate from the tops of her eyes. “Sinistcha would be good for that then, I think.” Trinity pursed her lips together as she hummed thoughtfully. While that was true, Absol had the superior typing to her Ghosts. They’d need to be careful, especially since seeing one was an omen of ill fates. “Rage Powder and Strength Sap while you hold it off until it can no longer stand, and then go home?”

+ ooc notes



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August 22
Santalune City
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38 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
118 posts
Marguerite DOLLARS
part of
disaster abound [m]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2023 0:09:14 GMT
Marguerite Avatar
mar nodded at what trinity said, bending to pick up a sizable rock. "yea, let's just screw with it and tie it up. easy subject for study, then." the absol's premonition wasn't omniscient, but it seemed to experience a spike of stress about incoming danger. it flicked its head towards them and the ghost type approaching. while trinity's pokemon started making moves, mar threw the rock at the pokemon to give it more streams of activity to stress over. absol swung with a sucker punch.

mar yawned, then tossed her pokeball over at the duo, releasing clobbopus right into the battle. "hold that thing for trin, yeah?" clobbopus made a battle cry, then wrapped up the absol with bind to make it easier for polchageist to upset the absol.

she turned to trinity and conversationally added, "i don't much see the appeal of a pokemon that stresses itself out like that. i think its a bunch of hocus pocus. them and those psychic type pokemon that allegedly know what ye should eat fer breakfast fer maximum success."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @trinitybeckman
trinity beckman
disaster abound [m]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 4:03:35 GMT
trinity beckman Avatar

Trinity’s eyes narrowed as the pair approached the Absol, focusing as she released her Polchageist. It was a dangerous game having the typing disadvantage to something they planned on aggravating. Her and her Pokemon would need to be at their best, even for this. Trinity took in one last breath just as the Absol looked up, growling and positioning the horn on its head threateningly. “Showtime,” she muttered as the Absol growled at them before charging.

[break][break] “Rage Powder!” Trinity ordered, followed by Polchageist replying with a cheerful chime. Spores exploded out of the tea cup, blinding the Dark type Poekmon as it went to take a wide swing at the two of them with its horn. With its vision blocked, the Pokemon began to thrash about wildly, inching closer and closer to Mar. That wasn’t part of the plan. Trinity began to run in the opposite direction, tossing pebbles at the Absol as she went in order to get its attention, with Sinistcha close behind and continuing to release spores.

[break][break] Wind began to swirl around the Absol’s horn as it let loose a haunting howl before swinging the blast of air at the blue haired Rocket. The Razor Wind passed through Polchageist, but Trinity had to diveroll to avoid being torn to shreds by the wind currents. The girl rose to their feet, but now had their back pressed against a cliff wall. The Absol took steps towards her, slower now that she wasn’t pelting it with rocks. It was menacing, as if Trinity was being hunted instead of the other way around.

[break][break] Just as Trinity was starting to wonder just where the hell her partner was, Mar’s Clobbopus landed on the Absol’s back, its tentacles wringing the Pokemon to a stand still. Trinity let out a sigh and dusted herself off before walking up to her pursuer. “Strength Sap.” She ordered her Polchageist moments before a cheerful chime filled the air and a green outline cloaked the Absol. Trinity watched coldly as the life force began to drain from the Pokemon of ill omen. Why did Team Rocket want to study this thing anyway? Its sense for danger was accute, but nothing Team Rocket tech couldn’t outpace. And even with those supernatural senses, they didn’t do the Pokemon much good against her and Mar… “I was beginning to wonder what was taking so long,” Trinity shot her eyes to mar as she felt her adrenaline lower. “You weren’t waiting for an invitation, were you?” As she pseudo-scolded her Rocket partner, Polchageist danced and clinked happily behind her.


+ ooc notes



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played by


August 22
Santalune City
38 height
38 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
118 posts
Marguerite DOLLARS
part of
disaster abound [m]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2023 4:26:50 GMT
Marguerite Avatar
if the chaotic development of the scene unfolding had any impact on mar's nerves, it didn't show. in fact, she looked bored. and a bored mar was usually the most dangerous, but then the expression broke into a smirk as trinity scolded her. "should've had the foresight to stand in a better spot," she said as if trinity had made a foolish decision rather than a series of tactical moves.

but she liked to rile up the younger rocket. "let's wrap up the stupid --"

"gabriella, don't give up!" some stupid-looking trainer appeared on the back of a togekiss before them both, appearing just beside absol in a mere moment. damn, those togekiss were faster than she thought the blob-y things were.

the trainer activated something on his wrist, and it took far too long for her to register it as a mega stone. "get back!" she activated her pokeball to force clobbopus to withdrawal, knowing the sea pokemon would choose to fight blindly rather than surrender or retreat. as she did, the absol reacted to the absolite, taking its mega form and gaining wings, shaking off the impact of the conditions they'd put it under.

"this just got so much worse," mar groaned.

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